Effective legal assistance.

We collaborate with the FCA, SEC, and Europol to recover your money stolen by scammers.

Refunded funds средств


Satisfied clients

We devote all our efforts to help you

Professional team

Years of experience in such matters and highly qualified lawyers

Trusted partners

We cooperate with law enforcement agencies and reliable companies

Successful cases

We achieve a 91% successful refund rate through the Chargeback procedure

Comprehensive client support

Over the course of our company’s operation, we have successfully returned over $5 million to clients affected by fraudulent brokers’ actions. Safe Back does not provide a 100% guarantee of refund. However, our team of experienced specialists is ready to individually review your case, conduct a thorough analysis, and offer the best refund strategies. 

Safe Back collaborates with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and other regulatory bodies. By contacting us, you can be assured that your financial interests will be protected by high standards of professional ethics and regulation. Working with financial regulators helps us to punish unscrupulous brokers by law, hold them accountable and return money to clients.

Our team

Safe Back team is ready to help you with any legal issues. Consult with experts with 5 years of practical experience. We always find the best solutions for you and attract regulators like the FCA to protect consumers of financial services.
Zolotov Mikhail
Zolotov Mikhail Deputy Director
Vlasova Elena
Vlasova Elena Regulatory Inspector
David Benson
David Benson CEO
Anna Dodge
Anna Dodge Senior lawyer
Daniel Clark
Daniel Clark Lawyer, assistant lawyer

Safe Back – legal refund from scam brokers

If you find yourself in a situation where a broker has misled you or you have become a victim of fraud, don’t worry – we’re here to help. By contacting our qualified experts, you will not only receive support but also specific steps to initiate the refund process. 

We guarantee individual approach to your case, thorough investigation and active support at all stages of the process. Our goal is not only to recover your funds, but also to protect your financial interests, providing you with maximum support and professionalism.

About Safe Back

Our team is a group of experienced professionals capable of providing assistance in restoring finances to both organizations and individuals affected by fraudulent activities. We understand how much loss of funds can affect you because of fraudsters or skam brokers. So our top priority is to restore justice and help our clients get their stolen money back.

Why it’s comfortable to work with us

The benefits of Safe Back extend beyond convenience. Our respect for your time is a key point – we value its preciousness and analyze every situation with complete transparency to provide you with a clear picture of opportunities and risks. We carefully select each case, taking on only those that, in our view, promise significant and successful compensation.

How we operate

The principle of our work is based on rich experience in this field, which allows our team to ensure effective protection of your interests and achieving success in your business. We are aware of the challenges faced by victims of financial fraud and have the necessary legal and financial tools to recover your funds. Our team provides individual support and advice at all stages of the recovery process.

In what cases do people contact us?

The Safe Back team effectively solves client’s problems by returning money stolen by scam companies. Contact us for an individual action plan.

Broker stole money

The broker is not responding to you/disappeared with your funds

Closed platform

You have no access to the platform, the site or account is blocked

Stock market fraud

Unable to receive your finances after an operation within the exchange

Scammers' tricks

The company promised high returns, but stole your investment

Why should you turn to financial lawyers?

Appeal to lawyers provides professional expertise in financial law and protection of your interests. We will help to understand the complex legal aspects of your situation and provide qualified advice.

How scam brokers and HYIPs lure money

The mechanisms of action of scam brokers and financial HYIPs are cunning and diverse. However, their goal is the same – to lure your money under the pretext of high-return investments and leave you empty-handed. Let’s consider the most common tactics used by such scammers.
HYIPs and financial pyramids
Identifying a hyip or pyramid scheme is quite simple: they promise unrealistically high returns, but do not provide clear explanations of how such returns are achieved. Typically, they operate with general phrases about ‘successful investments’ or ‘innovative technologies’, but they lack real evidence or documentation. In addition, such projects often have issues with legal status and licensing.
Scam brokers with trade simulation
If the broker insists on using only their own trading terminal, about which few have heard, it can be indicative of fraud. In addition, if a company promises access to a popular trading platform, but offers to register on their own website instead of providing a link to an official resource, this may be an attempt to provide a fake terminal. Such actions may deprive you of the opportunity to make transactions in the real interbank market.
Robots and trading algorithms
If a broker or investment company promises complete automation and guaranteed profits due to their innovative developments, you should be careful. Such promises are often a sign of fraud. Their touted technology could be just a lure, or in the worst case scenario, hiding malware designed to lure you out of your funds.
Trust management
If you have even the slightest doubt about the legality of the company or the reliability of its operation, it is strongly recommended to refrain from investing money. The extremely high interest rates offered by such companies should not be seen as an incentive to invest, but rather as a wake-up call. This prompts one to think more carefully and assess the risks of potential fraud. At a time when financial markets are saturated with proposals, special vigilance is required. Before entrusting funds to a company, a thorough study of its activities should be conducted.

Companies we cooperate with

What to do if your broker stole your money?

If you are faced with a situation where your broker has turned out to be a scammer, it is important to follow certain steps to protect your interests:

1. Get advice from a lawyer

Consult with an experienced lawyer specializing in such cases. They will help you understand your situation, provide legal advice, and assist in developing a defense strategy.

2. Gather evidence

Keep all correspondence, contracts, transfer receipts, electronic records, and any other documents related to your interaction with the broker. These materials will serve as crucial evidence in further actions.

3. Contact law enforcement agencies

Report fraud to the police. Provide them with all the evidence collected. This will help initiate an investigation and potentially recover your stolen money.

4. Consider chargeback

If you have paid for broker services using a bank card, contact your bank to initiate the procedure of chargeback. It might help get the stolen funds back into your account.
Fully entrust us with your financial obligations and you will get the desired and extremely positive outcome. Safe Back will provide expert assistance in protecting and restoring your financial interests by offering highly qualified services and individual approach to your case. With us you can be sure that your case will be considered and resolved with the utmost responsibility and professionalism.

Customer feedback

After successful refunds, our clients’ reviews speak for themselves. We are proud to be able to help individuals and companies with fund recovery matters and rejoice in their satisfaction with the results.

What is a chargeback?

Chargeback is a mechanism that allows you to recover funds lost as a result of fraud or incorrect financial transactions. This process involves challenging a transaction in which funds were transferred by scammers or unscrupulous companies. 

Reasons to initiate a chargeback procedure include:

1. Incorrect or unauthorized transaction: If money has been debited from your account without your permission or by mistake.

2. Non-provision of services: if you paid for a product or service that was not provided to you or was provided in poor quality.

3. Fraudulent scheme: if you are the victim of a fraud, for example, if you have invested in a company that promised high returns, but ended up being a skam company.

These reasons give you the opportunity to apply to your bank for a refund through the procedure of chargeback. However, it is important to remember that each case is considered individually and not all requests could be met.

Have you come across scammers?

Get advice from professional experts who will explain in detail what to do.
Safe Back is your reliable partner in refund matters. Trust us with your protection and restore your financial interests with us.
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